Watchman Willie Martin Archive



�� Date:

������ Mon, 9 Apr 2001 21:09:00 ‑0700

� From:

������ "Archibald Bard" <[email protected]>

��� To:

������ "AGENDAS" <[email protected]>

China in Prophecy July 1995

There is more in the Bible about China as a nation and as a people than

most people have imagined. It

is time that all of us realize just what role China will play in the history

of the world in the next

few years ahead of us. This Prophetic Report gives both biblical and

historical evidence to show just

who the Chinese people are and how important they will soon become

in matters dealing with the

prophecies of the end time. There is one prophetic role for China that

most people know nothing about.

This is the fact that the Chinese people before the Second Advent of

Christ are destined to accept

Christianity in a very strong way. If we hope to realize what the future

holds for the world in the

next three decades, we will have to be aware of the real importance of

"China in Prophecy."

All people on earth need to know just who the Chinese people are in

matters dealing with the biblical

revelation. This is important because the Holy Scriptures are not only

interested in the welfare of

people who are now known as Christians, Jews and Muslims (people

indebted to Abraham and Moses for

their basic religious teachings), but the Bible makes it clear that God

through Christ has designed His

plan to bring a salvation to all people on earth, no matter who they are

or where they live. This

certainly includes the people of China. Indeed, China is the most

populous nation on earth today. It

would seem odd if the Bible did not include some essential information

about this great nation and its

people since the Holy Scriptures purport to be the divine document

which informs all people in the

world about the plan of God for mankind. And true to form, the Bible

does not abandon China and other

peoples in the Far East or the islands of Oceania in its theme of salvation

or in matters of prophecy.

We need to under‑stand just how significant these peoples are in the

prophetic scenario that is to

occur just on the horizon to us before the Second Advent of Christ back

to this earth.

Who Are the Chinese People?

The place to start our research on the origin and destiny of the Chinese

people is at the very

beginning of the biblical revelation. That is where God gives an overview

of who the peoples in the

world represent as they relate particularly to the people of Abraham to

whom God made special spiritual

covenants (and most specifically to the people of Israel who represent a

type of priestly people to the

rest of the nations on earth). In fact, the Holy Scriptures pertain

essentially to the people of

Abraham and more specially to Israel. This maneuver by God was to

make Israel in particular responsible

for teaching the ways of God to the whole of the human race. In a real

sense, Israel is the nation

which has a type of priestly mission to relate the messages of God to the

rest of the world (Exodus

19:6; Isaiah 61:6; Deuteronomy 7:6). The nation of Israel is called God�s

servant "to raise up the

tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved [desolate lands] of Israel; I

will also give thee

[Israel] for a light to the Gentiles, that thou [Israel] mayest be [i.e., bring]

my salvation unto the

end of the earth" (Isaiah 49:6). This responsibility of Israel to bring the

teaching of salvation to

the ends of the earth certainly includes that message being given to the

Chinese people. China is

destined soon to be evangelized.

In short, God has designed the historical circum‑stances in His plan for

mankind so that Israel should

be the nation to present to China and other Gentiles the teachings of

God. That is what God called

Israel to do as the priestly nation to the world.

However, the people of Israel are not yet doing their prophesied role of

taking the message of

salvation to the world. They began to do it in the time of the apostles,

but because they as a national

people failed to accept the teachings of their Messiah (Jesus Christ),

Christ prophesied that the

responsibility for teaching the Gospel would be given to another nation

to do the job (Matthew 21:43).

This was not another "race," but another "nation" of people (Romans

10:19). Some in that nation would

bring forth the fruits of the Gospel. So, Paul said the responsibility for

getting out the Gospel then

fell to the Gentiles, particularly to the people of the Roman nation and

its empire (Romans 11:11‑17).

The Gentiles of the Roman Empire (and their descendants) would take

over Israel�s place until what

Christ called the end of "the times of the Gentiles" (Luke 21:24). It is now

up to us Gentiles with

that European influence from Paul (made up of many races) to do the

job. Still, the evangelization of

the world is not the responsibility of us Gentiles. God has preserved

Israel to perform that job.

Frankly, what Israel now needs is for us to teach the Gospel to them,

and Israel needs to accept the

Gospel. Because of this, we at A.S.K. (all of us working together) are

trying our best to present the

true Gospel to Israel and the world. I believe God is pleased with our


Thus, a new age is about to dawn. The times of the Gentiles for teaching

the Gospel to the world are

about to end. Israel is going to be sent a spirit of grace and supplication

and they will then begin to

take over their prophesied role in bringing the messages of God to the

nations of the world. This was

prophesied to occur once Israel would return to the Holyland and to

Jerusalem. With their return, we

are told that God would cause a miracle to occur in Israel and to the

Israelites (and this miracle is

prophesied to emerge before the Second Advent of Christ). What is this

miracle? It is the fact that

many of the people of Israel (including some of its top leaders) are

destined to accept Christ Jesus as

their own Messiah. This is shown in Zechariah 12:10‑14 through 13:1‑6.

God will send the people of

Israel a miraculous spirit of grace and supplication in the not too distant

future. When this develops,

Israel will then begin to perform their role that God has prophesied for

them in bringing the message

of the Gospel to the ends of the earth (Isaiah 49:6). One of the first things

that Israel will do

according to the prophecies is to overthrow the idolatry and idolatrous

customs in the Holyland that

Gentile Christians of Roman Empire origin have placed in their churches

and shrines. At that time,

Israel will not countenance such rampant idolatry (Zechariah 13:1‑6).

When a great number of Israelites

in the Holyland are thus converted to Christ, we shall soon see China

then begin to look to Israel and

the Middle East (as will all nations on earth) for the teaching of the

Gospel of Christ. The Chinese

will not accede to the Roman Empire form of idolatrous "Christendom"

as their example.

To discover how this will happen to the Chinese, and to intelligently

understand the means by which

this will be accomplished, we first have to recognize from the Bible just

who the Chinese people are.

The Chinese people can be identified from the teachings of the Bible.

Their identification is first

given in Genesis Ten which shows the descendants of Noah and how

they repopulated the earth after the

great flood.

A Clue That Identifies the Chinese

It is easy in a general way to discover who the people of China are from

the information found in the

Table of Nations. The first evidence emerges when we consider the

meaning of the names of the three

sons of Noah through whom all the world�s population today have

descended. Note these three sons. His

firstborn son was Japheth. Noah�s second son was Ham. And, his third

son was Shem. Look at Noah�s

firstborn son Japheth. The word "Japheth" means "Enlargement" and it

signifies in a prophetic sense

that Japheth�s progeny would become an enlarged population on earth.

They would become the most

populous people (having many more descendants that Ham or Shem).

And without doubt, the people of China

and their neighbors who are a part of what we generally call the Yellow

Races are the most populous of

the nations on earth. This meaning of Japheth�s name is the first

evidence that the patriarch Japheth

and his descendants describe the patri‑archal origin of the Chinese

people. Along with this is the fact

that Noah�s second son was named "Ham" which signifies "Dark Colored"

and this is a clear indication

that the darker peoples on earth are descended from him. The third son

was Shem from whom came the

Israelites, the Arabs and other Mediterranean types of people. It is pretty

easy to see that this group

of people from Shem are not of the Yellow or the Black Races and they

more particularly represent the

White or the Olive Skinned peoples on earth. Of course, there are

variations in all the three main

racial stocks and there have been blendings among the original races on

a wide scale, but the three

general racial divisions of mankind and their standard char‑acteristics can

be pretty easily identified

from the information that we have in the Bible. The indication that

Japheth would become the most

populated of peoples gives us biblical evidence that the Chinese fit into

the Japhetic camp.

The Dispersal of the Original Nations

About two hundred years after the Flood of Noah, the population of

humans had grown sufficiently that

they began to build a tower as a religious monument (like a steeple or

pyramid) to keep mankind�s

geographical attention centered on the region of Babylon where the

main patriarchs of Noah (and Noah

himself) lived and made their homes. God did not like this scheme, so He

changed mankind�s languages

and sent them into all areas of the world (Genesis 11). When these

people left the tower in the Babylon

area, they journeyed outward with mere families (just small clans of

individuals) and they went into

various places on earth. God must have directed them to the regions on

earth to which He intended them

to live and to populate. People quickly spread around the world.

Among the people who began to leave Babylon were those of Japheth.

Let us look at them. Japheth had

seven sons: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech and Tiras

(Genesis 10:2). Gomer�s three sons

were Ashkenaz, Riphath and Togarmah. They and Javan�s four sons

Elishah, Tarshish, Kittim and Dodanim

were singled out for distinction by Moses in his Table of Nations. This is

because these particular

descendants of Japheth were those who came in contact with Israel in

the early generations up to the

time of the Exodus. Throughout the annals of Jewish history, it has been

known that Gomer, at first,

went into Central Europe into the area represented now as Germany

and Poland. As for Togarmah, son of

Gomer, we find that they went into the extreme north part of the earth

(Ezekiel 38:6) and became what

we call Eskimos today. These historical indications I have given in my

Prophetic Report for September,

1992 titled "Prophetic Geography and the Time of the End." You can

order this historical research from

us if you do not have it in your library. In that Prophetic Report, I have

given maps to show in a

graphic manner how these movements and settlements of peoples were

made from the Tower of Babel into

all areas of the world, and that includes the Chinese.

What we find is the fact that the people of Japheth developed into the

mongoloid types of races within

the first eight to ten generations from the time of the Flood of Noah. The

information on how this

could happen in a genetic way is given in the above mentioned

Prophetic Report. The main point,

however, that we should remember in this present Report on China is

the fact that the people of Japheth

became the most populous of people. Recall that the word "Japheth"

means "Enlargement."

In actual fact, the Bible and history as under‑stood by the early Jews

show that the people who finally

developed into the people living in China and Japan (the mongoloid

types of people that we know today),

stemmed originally from Japheth. These Japhetic peoples developed

various racial characteristics that

became associated with them. This was especially noted in the shape of

the eyes, the yellowish type of

skin and the straight black hair which predominates in these racial

groups. These three general

classifications of races are well known today.

We should understand that there are different types of ways in showing

variations in races, but in

simple terms the people of Japheth can be classified as being basically

mongoloid in appearance. And on

this fact hinges the evidence that the majority of the population in the

world today are actually

Japhetic in origin, and that most of them now live in China, Japan and

Southeast Asia. Though this is

true for this present age, historical records involving biblical peoples and

early Jewish accounts show

that several of the clans of the people of Japheth journeyed to eastern

Asia in a roundabout way.

Indeed, some of them right after the Flood of Noah first went into

southern and central Europe. It was

only later, when Semitic tribes began to invade Europe from the east,

did the original Japhetic clans

move north and then east into the regions of the world that we

normally associate with mongoloid

peoples today.

Some Japheth Races First Went to Europe

What is not often realized is the fact that the Bible and early Jewish

history show that several of the

chief sons of Japheth first went into Europe, and from there they

journeyed north and east and finally

settled in East Asia. Gomer was certainly one of them.

And not only Gomer, we find the fourth son of Japheth also had a

connection with Europe. His name was

Javan. He is mentioned in the Bible in Genesis 10:2 and 4. The sons of

Javan were Elishah, Tarshish,

Kittim and Dodanim. Of these were the isles, or the coasts, of the north

Mediterranean settled not long

after the Tower of Babel (Genesis 10:5). Now when it says "nations," it

doesn�t mean huge nations that

we know today. By the time of Moses, when Moses wrote the Book of

Genesis, the clans of the earth were

just starting to become nations.

Notice that there were four sons of Javan. They were Elishah, Tarshish,

Kittim and Dodanim. We know

from history that the people of Tarshish were first located in Spain and

some of the islands of the

Western Mediterranean, and also North Africa (see my Prophetic Report

men‑tioned above for proof).

There is a good deal of historical information to show this fact, and I

have given it in the above


Also, the people of Dodanim (called Rodaniym) have the name "Rhodes"

in its variant reading. They first

settled on that island in the Mediterranean. Elishah is connected with

Ellis, an early tribe who

settled on the Greek archipelago in the Aegean Sea and in Western Asia

Minor. These initial settlements

were achieved before Israel�s Exodus from Egypt.

But this is not all. Look especially at the people of Kittim in this first

migration. Kittim was

geographically associated even in later times (in the 3rd and 2nd

centuries B.C.) with the

Mediterranean region. This shows that the people of Kittim first settled

this area and then moved into

other parts of the world. I have explained in the Prophetic Report

mentioned above what happened. The

people of Kittim moved into other areas of the world while they left

their name on the region of their

first settlement after the Flood of Noah. The Syriac Version of Genesis

chapter 10 (called the Peshitta

Version, which was written about the 4th century or 5th century A.D.),

rendered the word "Kittim" as

"Cathay." This clearly denotes an early name for China. By the fourth

century A.D., the people of

Kittim had been fully replaced in Europe, and they had gone farther east,

even into China and adjacent


What we find is the fact that the people of Japheth are today primarily

mongoloid people, or connected

with the mongoloid strain, or race, that finally developed after the

Tower of Babel.

The Descendants of Japheth

The first sons of Japheth were given special references in the early

history of the Bible. But in

studying carefully, you will notice that only Gomer, and specially Javan,

are presented with more

elaborate descriptions. That is because the Israelites in Moses� time were

coming in contact with those

people. They were closer in a geographical sense to Israel, and Israel was

more acquainted with them.

But the other sons of Japheth, for example, Magog, the Madai, the

people of Tubal, of Meshech and of

Tiras, they were already far distant from the Israelites in Egypt and the

Land of Canaan. In the Bible

you find little information about them because they had spread far from

the cradle of civilization.

Look at these Japhetic peoples for a moment. We know that Meshech

and Tubal are associ‑ated with

Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Some people have even connected the

city of Moscow in Russia with

Meshech. That is a possibility. These nations of Japheth moved north

and then on farther east. Later

on, we find that Gomer and Javan and the others of Japheth followed

them into the east into the region

of what we call China today. They also went into southeast Asia, and

then through the Malay archipelago

into various islands of the ocean. Indeed, many of Japheth�s descendants

went throughout the Pacific

and into the New World. These movements of peoples are more

part‑icularly covered in my Prophetic

Report mentioned above. But look at what this means in regard to the

Chinese who were once known as the

people of Cathay or Kittim.

Believe it or not, the Kittim people were the original ones who first

settled the island of Cyprus in

the eastern Mediterranean after the Tower of Babel incident. From there

they went further westward and

made settlements in Italy. But then they were pushed northward and

then eastward by Semites coming from

the eastern Mediterranean areas. The people of Kittim journeyed even

further north and then eastward

into the central areas of Asia and finally winding up in the region we

now call China (indeed, an early

name of China was Cathay which comes from the root word Khitai

which also answers to Kittim, the "im"

is plural). Though Gomer (the firstborn of Japheth and the uncle of

Kittim) was the first to settle

central Europe after the Flood, the biblical revelation shows that at the

end of the age, his

descendants are found in Asia�in the Far East. In Ezekiel 38:1‑6 we find

Gomer associated with Magog,

Meshech, Tubal, Persia, Ethiopia (eastern Cush of the Hindu Kush), Phut

in India and Ceylon (not as the

KJV states as "Libya"). This means that Gomer and all his bands went

eastward long ago and became

Asiatic powers. The Bible shows they are still Asiatic powers at the time

of the end. As a matter of

fact, even after the Millennium is over, the Book of Revelation refers to

the geo‑graphical regions

associated with Magog. They are shown to be in the four extremities of

the earth which primarily refer

to the regions of the antipodes from Jerusalem (the North and South

American continents, Southern

Africa and the extreme northern regions of Eurasia). What must be

understood is that most of the

European tribes of Japheth, who first went to Europe at the dispersal of

the nations at the Tower of

Babel, left the European region and went into Asia. Others went further

eastward into the Pacific

Islands and then to the Americas. But, as for the people of Kittim, they

finally settled in China and

gave their name to the region. China is even called in their own

language "Cathay" (after the word


A Further Biblical Reference to China

There is even more on China. The Bible prophesies that the people of

China are going to be given the

truth of God. And who performs the task of taking the teachings of God

to China? The Bible says it will

be Israel. As mentioned earlier in this Prophetic Report, the people of

Israel are destined to take the

Word of God to all areas of the world before the Second Advent of Christ,

and China will not be left


God will "raise up the tribes of Israel, and to restore the preserved

[desolations] of Israel: I will

also give thee [Israel] for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be

[bring] my salvation unto the

end of the earth. Thus saith the Lord, the Redeemer of Israel" (Isaiah


It will be the people of Israel (once the "times of the Gentiles" end) who

will bring the light of the

Gospel to all the Gentiles. The Gentiles of the world will turn their

attention to Israel in the

Holyland and the Gentiles will begin to listen to the Israelites about

Jesus Christ and how idolatry

should be shunned. Indeed, the people of the world who are Gentiles

will then want to attach themselves

to Israelites and to their teachings that God will inspire (Zechariah 8:23).

This is a time when the

waste places that once made up Jerusalem will be repaired and rebuilt.

"Break forth into joy, sing

together, ye waste places of Jerusalem: for the Lord hath comforted his

people [Israel], he hath

redeemed Jerusalem. The Lord hath made bare his holy arm in the eyes

of all the nations [the Gentiles];

and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God" (Isaiah

52:9,10). Gentile nations

from around the world will want to go to Israel and to Jerusalem to hear

the words of truth that will

then come from the Israelites once they are converted to the truth as

Zechariah 12:9‑14 prophesies. And

what is a major area from whence these Gentiles will come? God singles

out a special region of the

earth for His interest. Look at Isaiah 49:12. It says that people will come

to Israel "from the land of

Sinim." Lange�s Commentary says "this name [Sinim] must represent an

entire quarter of the heavens and

probably the east" (vol.VI, p.535). And what major people are in this

region? China is in an easterly

direction from Jerusalem and would fit the prophet�s intentions very

well. Indeed, in modern Hebrew,

Sinim means "China," and well it should because even the single letter

we render as "Ch" in "China" has

the soft sound of an "S" and the Chinese call themselves the people of

"Sina" or "Sino" with the vowel

at the end usually unsounded. Chinese history recognizes that in the

tenth to the twelfth centuries

A.D., major parts of China were ruled by what they call the "Sino‑Khitan

Empire" (the Chinese area was

dominated by the Khitan people�or, as I have shown, the Kittim

people). Thus, the Kittim and the Sinim

of the Bible are found together in major historical events that formed the

Chinese nation and its


There is a further prophecy that illustrates this. Look at a predestined

event that will also occur not

long before the Second Advent of Christ. Malachi records:

"For from the rising of the sun even unto the going down of the same,

my name shall be great among the

Gentiles; and in every place incense shall be offered unto my name, and a

pure offering: for my name

shall be great among the heathen, saith the Lord of hosts" (Malachi 1:11).

There is no doubt that this prophecy will be fulfilled before the great and

terrible Day of the Lord

because Malachi later on speaks of that very Day as yet future to him in

the context of the prophetic

teaching he was giving (Malachi 4:5,6). And note that the above

prophecy is directed to the farthest

easterly direction from the land of Israel that one can go�to the very

rising of the sun itself. The

Land of the Rising Sun is, even in our modern parlance, Japan and in the

same region is China and

Southeast Asia. Those areas of the world are soon going to be

evangelized with the Gospel of Christ,

and they will begin to accept it on a wide scale. This will occur once

Israel itself begins to accept

Christ Jesus as Zechariah 12:9‑14 says will occur. We will not have many

years left to see these very

things beginning to happen. We Christians in the west need to focus our

primary attention on presenting

the Gospel of Christ to the Jewish people in the best way we know how.

They at first gave us the Gospel

by their Jewish apostles, and now it is our turn to return it to them.

There are some exciting times to happen on earth in the not too distant

future. The prophecies show

that even the Gentile nations in the Far East and to the West are going

to be given the Gospel of

Christ as shown in the New Testament revelation (and Gentiles will

accept it in a basic sense). This is

as certain as the rising of tomorrow�s sun. Just as South Korea is now

experiencing a new and

revolutionary interest in Christ and the New Testament, a groundswell

of proper regard to Christ will

soon begin to sweep many areas of the world. China will begin to accept

the teachings of the Gospel.

What I feel will begin to bring this conversion to people throughout the

world is the publication of

the "Original Bible" that is scheduled to be in the hands of the general

public by the Autumn of 1998.

The world needs to have the Bible of the manuscripts. When this occurs,

people will then begin to

understand the Bible as never before. Indeed, according to Zechariah

13:1‑6, people in the Land of

Israel will commence a campaign of getting rid of the idols and idolatrous

ways that our western

Christian churches have placed in their false shrines in the Holyland and

this will have a rippling

effect from Jerusalem throughout the world. All of us in Christ who now

love the Gospel are privileged

to be the precursors for bringing forth the fruits of the Gospel to Israel

and then the world. That

teaching from Israel will then reach out to embrace the whole world.

The result? All in China are

destined to receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and you and I are having a

part in bringing this to


Dr. Ernest L. Martin


Last modified: March 28, 2000

I hope it wasn't too long.

Archibald Bard


Before A.D.63, the apostle Paul said the Mystery "had been hid in God"

(Ephesians 3:9). God had kept it a secret from the knowledge of anyone

(human or angel) even from before the foundation of the world � long

before the creation of Adam. Indeed, Paul said that "from the beginning

of the world it [the Mystery] has been hid in God" (verse 9). Paul spoke of

it as "the Mystery of Christ which in other ages was not known unto the

sons of men, as it is NOW [in A.D.63] revealed unto his holy apostles and

prophets by the Spirit" (Ephesians 3:4,5). Paul further stated in the Book

of Colossians that this teaching was called "the Mystery which has been

hid from [previous] ages and from [previous] generations, but NOW [in

A.D.63] made manifest to his saints" (1:26). This Mystery clearly explains

what the real Philosophy of Christianity is all about. It is a teaching that

is awesome in scope.

Reference Materials